Break Free | Conceptual Photography

Wenzhou This girl right here reached out to me… and wanted to collaborate on a project. She told me about what she had been going through and what ideas she wanted to convey for the shoot. I was very happy to bring my photography to her to create artwork, a release and maybe awareness. Sometimes we get trapped in a pattern of abuse, and we don’t realize that it has become ingrained into us. We are living in a world that is constantly hurting us, and we don’t even realize it! I kind of equate this to the “frog in boiling water” fable. Abuse of any kind is unacceptable. Be brave and live a life of love.  Love yourself and ask for help if you need to change the world you are living in.

can you order Gabapentin online The words below are hers…

“Silent killers are around us every day we may not see them with your eyes, but we feel them by the chains that bind us. Verbal abuse, depression, Mental illness we we fight with our family members we fight with our spouse…

Everyone has a battle within. Everything looks good from the outside, but no one knows exactly what battle, we each fight every day. The goal is to be released from the chains that bind us be set free no longer a prisoner to someone’s word someone’s actions, to depression, to anxiety — we can break free.

Your victory comes from within.

Don’t be a prisoner anymore find your voice find your way to break free from the chains.”

Model: Jenee
Makeup: Makeup by Ashley Ancheta