Brides and Weddings Magazine Style Shoot

Do you know how hard it is for a photographer to sit on photographs? HARD. This shoot happened in April and the magazine just come out this week!! I love how everything turned out. What a great collaboration! Here was the recipe: amazing wedding professionals, some incredible models (who all but one are not models professionally), cool locations, some vintage clothing and fun props.

Brides and Weddings , Cindie Reinhold , had contacted me about a shoot involving Amy’s Bridal and Old Town Manassas.  I love these two wedding professionals! They bring so much to brides!! Cindie is the publisher of a bridal magazine that helps brides find vendors and plan their weddings! You can click on the link above and sign up on Brides and Weddings website. Amy’s Bridal, run by Amy and Cherie, had just moved to Old Town in February. Not only do they carry wedding gowns, they also carry a vintage line of clothing, perfect for bridesmaids or maybe an evening out. And their customer service is incredible!! I am always looking for cool locations to shoot, I stumbled upon  Juke Box Dinner I knew that this would make a awesome location for this shoot. Cindie added some cool props from a  search that spanned antique and thrift shops across Virginia. And of course, Amy’s Bridal carries almost everything you see in the photos- (like those cute retro purses!! I am going to buy one).  The flowers were a hybrid design of flowers and origami–really cool art from Buttercups Floral!! And our vintage inspired hair and makeup was by Brush Strokes.

Here are some of favorites from the shoot! I almost forgot the cool car- Tom and Bea let use the pink beauty as a prop! And probably my favorite shot is of Khulan in the driver’s seat. Khulan is someone who I have worked with before (the other ladies were friends and supporters of Amy’s bridal- great women!). Khulan is building her modeling portfolio–a beautiful woman inside and out. I felt like she owned that shot!! And really the shot embodies the whole feel of the shoot- sexy, vintage, Girl Power in the driver’s seat- of course.